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It’s not the destination; it’s the journey.


This truism pretty much sums up our day. We passed up an otherwise delightful destination and leisurely day to go island hoping in search of additional “countries.” In this case, our objective was Anguilla — a British outpost that I couldn’t have identified on a map a few years ago, back when I didn’t know Anguilla from Antigua or Barbados from Barbuda.

To get to Anguilla, we took a a shared taxi ($20) from Dutch St. Martin (#69) to French St. Maarten (#70). We then proceeded through short ferry booking, embarkation tax ($5/pp.), and immigration queues in order to board the boat for Anguilla ($15/pp.). Paperwork in order, we embarked on a blissfully pacific ride over to Anguilla at which we cleared immigration and customs.

Anguilla (#71) done.

Of course, getting right back on the boat would have seemed a bit lame, even if technically allowable. So, we took a quick island tour (45 or so minutes; $30) before returning to the ferry pier. Tour “highlights” included the airport and high school. :-)

We then repeated the process in reverse, spending an extra half hour or so in Marigot (the primary town on the French side of the island) before returning to the pier.

Mission accomplished! We had only eight hours from docking to departure, but we managed to do everything in about five hours. I figured we could do it in three at best (with no sightseeing), and I think my calculations were largely correct.

I sometimes think Libby humors me on days like today. She doesn’t quite have my sense of adventure. And, while this was fairly “mild” in reality, there’s a certain uneasiness associated with independently island hopping when a) having no prior local knowledge, b) only a scant amount of information to go on, and c) needing to be back aboard a ship on the first island in only a matter of hours. Nonetheless, our confidence as world travelers grows each time we so something a little less ordinary (such as driving across the UAE).

It’s the journey that is so much fun!

Today’s box score: +3 countries

Day #3: At Sea

Today was a “sea day” en route to St. Maarten. I think some people really love their relaxing days at sea, but they’re not my favorite part of a cruise. Indeed, I think the last sea days I really relished were aboard Jade in 2008 (our first major cruise), which came after already spending a week in London and benefited from the novelty of it all.

Now they’re old hat: wake up, have breakfast, waste some time, have lunch, waste some more time, have dinner, waste yet more time… go to bed. Cruise ship activities don’t hold much allure anymore (to the degree they ever did), especially when there are no compelling port lectures. It all makes we wonder how much I’d really like to do a transoceanic passage? Or, sail around the world on one? Certainly not with a toddler. What would we do for days on end with one who’s too young to participate in the ship’s formal kids program?

No, for us, sea days are just a means to an ends.

Tomorrow will be far more interesting. We’re going to make a run for Anguilla and bring Emerson along with us. I figure that we’ll need to take her on ferries next summer in less hospitable places. So, we might as well give it a go here in the Caribbean.

Today, we arrived at Princess’s private island destination, called the Princess Cays in the Bahamas (new country for Emerson). Following breakfast, Libby, Emerson and I took the short tender ride to shore. We picked out a couple of prime lounge chairs on the beach, slathered on the sunscreen, and then headed into the water.

Emerson had a blast in the water. I’ve been paying seemingly ridiculous rates for months at what Libby tells me is an “elite swim school” (whatever that means) for her. On this trip, I could finally see some return on our investment as she was far more comfortable and capable in the ocean than other kids around her age. All told, she spent the entire morning in the surf with us before heading back to the ship.

For lunch, we had pizza (IMHO, Princess offers the best at sea). We then headed back to our cabin to shower off the sand and salt, as well as to take an afternoon nap. Dinner was once again in the main dining room–Italian theme night–and generally very good. After dinner, we took Emerson to the Explorer’s Lounge to see/hear a vocalist perform.

Tomorrow’s a ‘relaxing’ day at sea…

Here’s a view of Princess Cays from our balcony.


Following an uneventful drive, we arrived at Port Everglades a little after 11:30. The check-in queue was rather long, but Pop saved the day for us as we were able to use the special assistance line. Thus, we zipped aboard the ship with minimal fuss and muss in a mere matter of moments.

Hungry, we headed for lunch in the Da Vinci dining room. In the interest of time, I won’t recount everything we ate, but I’ll say the food was very good, especially my mother’s fettuccine alfredo in a crisp parmesan basket. After lunch, we headed to our cabins to unpack and get settled in.

Sail away was scheduled for four o’clock, but we departed closer to five.

With the entire family aboard, we opted for traditional fixed seating dining at 5:30. It’s a little early, but it works well for our schedule. We met up with Libby’s parents (who arrived at the port an hour or so later than us) for the first time just before dinner.

Our meal was enjoyable and ran very smoothly. The menus (both for adults and kids) are nicely varied with a good number of selections. Too many selections to talk about, but I’ll note the creme brûlée was especially a hit with those who tried it (though mine is better).

We retired fairly early given the early morning drive down from Tampa.

It’s good to be back aboard Princess. We enjoyed our cruise on the Caribbean Princess out of San Juan in 2011. Ruby Princess, our current ship, is very similar — so, Libby and I feel right at home.

Here’s a view of the Ruby Princess’s atrium:


And we’re off…

It’s time for the family Thanksgiving week cruise! We head down to Ft. Lauderdale tomorrow morning…

7 Day Eastern Caribbean on Ruby Princess

7 Day Eastern Caribbean on Ruby Princess

We’ll be aboard the Ruby Princess, adding at least three new “countries” to the total (St. Martin, St. Maarten, and the Turks and Carcos). If I can pull it off, Libby and I might also try to make a run for Anguilla from St. Martin / St.Maarten as well, which would give us one more. Emerson, on the other hand, will bag at least five: she’s not been to the Bahamas nor the US Virgin Islands yet.

More to follow… I’ll try to write most days from the ship.

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