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Well, we’re now in South Korea after our 13 hour flight from Detroit. It’s nearly 4am at home, but it’s almost 6pm in the evening here. Libby and I agree that it does feel more like evening… so, this bodes well for adjusting to the time difference. The flight itself (in Economy Comfort, aka Oxymoron Class) was decent. I wish I’d slept a little better, but the timing wasn’t great for that (noon to midnight).

I also had the strangest experience on the airplane. I finallyq fell asleep about 4 hours out of Incheon. Something woke me up 30 minutes later, and I found myself lightheaded and disoriented. I sort of staggered down the aisle to use the WC and then struggled to open the door. Within a few minutes of making it back to my seat, all was normal again, and I now feel fine. So, it seems like I was just suffering from total exhaustion, which sort of makes sense given my schedule of the last week or two.

The Incheon/Seoul airport is very nice. Too bad we won’t get to see more of the country (on this trip, anyway). But, it still counts as country #73!

Today’s box score: +1 (South Korea)

Next stop: Hong Kong

P.S. Here’s the “control panel” for the high tech toilets at the airport in South Korea. Basic operation is easy, but the advanced features seemed too dangerous to explore. :-)


We left the house at 4:30 this morning for our 6:15 flight to Detroit. We’re on our way to Hong Kong via Seoul — about a 30 hour journey with layovers. We’ll arrive at nearly midnight tomorrow, local time.

I’m sure there’s a suitable aphorism somewhere about “the journey being the destination.” :-)

Day #7: At Sea

If there’s an ideal day at sea for me, one at the end of a cruise is it. Why do I say this? I like having the opportunity to leisurely pack and get sorted our for the journey home. Also, sea days seem to last longer… it’s a nice bookend before transitioning back into the ‘real world.’

So far on this trip I’ve read a book about a middle aged couple who journeyed (over 40k miles) around the USA with an Airstream trailer, a younger couple who sailed around the world over the course of four years, and now I’m now on to a nearly retired couple who became a team of long-haul truckers.

For many reasons, we’re not able or willing to entertain our wanderlust on a more permanent basis, but I have a lot of respect for those who do so (even if their choices are different than what our path would be). It also makes me wonder about our next project(s) after completing the 157×50 goal. I know there are places we’d like to visit again, as well as a desire to keep experiencing the ‘new’… beyond that? Only time will tell.

I sometimes end with a sunset picture, but I’ll share a sunrise today. That seems more suited to my forward looking contemplations today…


Today started rather unusually. I was up by 4:30 (nothing odd there), but Emerson awoke shortly after me. Being such an early hour, she watched Cinderella while Libby “slept in” until 6:30 or so. We went to breakfast and then returned to the cabin where Emerson took a nap at about 9:30.

We then spent the better part of the morning lounging about on the cabin’s balcony while Emerson played on beach tools that we placed down for her. The weather was “perfect” for us: overcast and slightly cool with the breeze. We grabbed some pizza for lunch and awaited our afternoon arrival in the Turks and Caicos (#72).

Our docking in Grand Turk was delayed as Regent’s Seven Seas Navigator was in our berth unexpectedly for a medical evacuation. I’ve never personally seen this before (a ship diverted to another port to offload a sick or injured passenger), though we’ve witnessed countless passengers getting carted off in ambulances at planned stops. After the Regent ship departed, we docked a few minutes later than our scheduled arrival time.

Knowing this would be a short duration call and an afternoon arrival (a recipe for everyone trying to leave at once), we waited a bit for the masses of humanity to depart the ship before heading out. Grand Turk is a small and uninteresting island for sightseeing. Knowing this, we planned to just stroll around the port area, replace a favorite Margaritaville t-shirt of mine that met an untimely demise in a washing machine mishap, look at the beaches (surf was too high to take Emerson swimming), and enjoy a couple of drinks with fruit slices and cute little umbrellas. And, that’s pretty much exactly what we did. :-)

On returning to the ship, I noticed that HAL’s Nieuw Amsterdam was stopped in the channel a few ship lengths behind our stern on the starboard side. Shortly after, she steamed away. I have to imagine that she too was here for a medical evacuation, which is not surprising given HAL’s manifest of ancient mariners… but still… two unplanned stops in Grand Turk in one day? WTF?

Here’s a photo of sunset (and the HAL ship):


Tonight we (aside from Libby’s parents, who are now both in norovirus purgatory) had dinner at the Crown Grill, Princess’s steakhouse at sea. It was excellent. Libby and Pop had huge veal chops. Mom and I ate beef tenderloin. As usual, I asked to make mine ‘surf and turf.’ But, our waiter produced five lobster tails for the entire table! As not everyone wanted lobster, let’s just say I ate well more than my fair share, lest I completely embarrass my gluttonous self. The ‘Black and Blue Onion Soup’–basically French Onion soup made with Jack Daniel’s and blue cheese added to the gruyere–was also a highlight and better than I’d remember. The only disappointment was the smoked scallop appetizer. While the scallops were fine, I thought the dish generally lacked flavor and the potato plank was undercooked (unless you’re eating fries, potatoes shouldn’t be al dente).

Emerson was very good at dinner (as she’s been all trip), but she grew tired before dessert. So, I finished up with Mom and Pop and then returned to the cabin with a molten lava cake and double chocolate ice cream for Libby. She ate it while we chatted on the balcony, Emerson sleeping peacefully inside the cabin.

What a good day!

Today’s box score: +1 country (Turks and Caicos)

Day #5: St. Thomas, USVI

Well, it’s another Thanksgiving in the Caribbean…

We awoke early today in order to take full advantage of our 7:00am arrival in St. Thomas. While most the the ship was still waking up, we three were taking a private tour of the island with my grandfather and mother. On prior visit to St. Thomas, Libby and I hung out only in downtown Charlotte Amalie, which was a mistake. St. Thomas is beautiful!

Megan’s Bay and Atlantic Ocean view:


Caribbean view, including our ship:


Unfortunately, Libby’s parents weren’t able to join us or take the optional excursion they’d booked. Instead, they were in the ship’s infirmary, as Dad came down with the norovirus. He’s now quarantined for 24 hours. All in all, the stomach flu isn’t a gift to be thankful for. It’s especially unfortunate/unlucky as they cruise less frequently than us. Poor guy–he’ll be spending his Thanksgiving in his cabin.

Libby and I also did some shopping today in Charlotte Amalie while Mom and Pop watched Emerson. No major purchases for us… honestly, I don’t think St. Thomas is a bargain paradise. We can do as well or better at home or on the Internet…

Tonight’s our second and final formal night, a Thanksgiving feast with all the trimmings (though I’m going to have the beef tenderloin in brioche).

That’s all for now… gotta go: the ice is melting in my rum and Coke (and, yes, I snuck the rum aboard, being the rebel that I am). :-)

Happy Thanksgiving!

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