Today is our last day in London and final day/night in the Allen House…
Before heading out for the day, we stopped down in the office to see Julie to confirm our travel arrangements for the morning and settle up our bill at the Allen House. According to Julie, they’re still not sure what’s going to happen to the Allen House long term after all of the timeshare leases expire, but the speculation is that it will be sold as flats (which makes a lot of financial sense I’m sure). She said that she’d email us in September or October to let us know, but I very much suspect this will be the end of an era for us at Allen House.
We spent the day in Kensington visiting the Science Museum and Natural History Museum (again). Both of these venues are really excellent, highly educational, and a favorite of Emerson.

After walking home from the museums, I spent the late afternoon packing for our onward journey around the United Kingdom and Ireland. We had dinner at Nando’s and tried to go to bed relatively early (as we had to leave the Allen House by 5am for our flight to Jersey).