Libby and I have been to London together a number of times. I’ve lost the exact count, but I think it’s around 13 trips. As a result, there aren’t too many museums in central London that we’ve not visited at least once. However, we’d never made it to the Science Museum (and frankly had little awareness of its existence), which I’d read about on Timeout’s list of best museums for kids in London. So, that became our destination for the day.
As it happens, the Science Museum is awesome!
My personal favorites were the display of a vintage 747 cross section and the “Materials House” (which is a sort of organic sculpture made of layers of different materials). Some sections of the museum (such as the “history of computing”) didn’t capture the imagination as well, lacking a bit of life. But, there was far more to smile about. Libby and Emerson enjoyed the museum as well. All told, we spent a few hours at the museum.

London Science Museum's 747 cross section...
For lunch, we returned to the excellent restaurant at the Natural History Museum. Since we were already there, Emerson was able to visit her buddy, “Dippy,” in the Central Hall and the rest of the dinosaurs in their exhibit rooms (for the third time this vacation). We then walked back to the Allen House through Kensington Gardens on another beautiful day and did a little last minute shopping in the High Street for the next leg of our trip.
Upon returning to Allen House, I settled my bill for incidentals and confirmed our car for the morning.
Our “week” in London has been a bit abbreviated this year: arriving a day late, departing a day early. But, it’s been a really good visit. We’re already looking forward to returning next year for what will likely be a bittersweet last year at the Allen House, as our timeshare (of 15 years!) will be up.
Tomorrow we leave for Phuket, Thailand via a connection in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Please tell Emerson that Mimi and Granddaddy are sending lots of hugs and kisses to you all as you embark on this exciting, new leg of your adventure!