Well, it’s another Thanksgiving in the Caribbean…
We awoke early today in order to take full advantage of our 7:00am arrival in St. Thomas. While most the the ship was still waking up, we three were taking a private tour of the island with my grandfather and mother. On prior visit to St. Thomas, Libby and I hung out only in downtown Charlotte Amalie, which was a mistake. St. Thomas is beautiful!
Megan’s Bay and Atlantic Ocean view:
Caribbean view, including our ship:

Unfortunately, Libby’s parents weren’t able to join us or take the optional excursion they’d booked. Instead, they were in the ship’s infirmary, as Dad came down with the norovirus. He’s now quarantined for 24 hours. All in all, the stomach flu isn’t a gift to be thankful for. It’s especially unfortunate/unlucky as they cruise less frequently than us. Poor guy–he’ll be spending his Thanksgiving in his cabin.
Libby and I also did some shopping today in Charlotte Amalie while Mom and Pop watched Emerson. No major purchases for us… honestly, I don’t think St. Thomas is a bargain paradise. We can do as well or better at home or on the Internet…
Tonight’s our second and final formal night, a Thanksgiving feast with all the trimmings (though I’m going to have the beef tenderloin in brioche).
That’s all for now… gotta go: the ice is melting in my rum and Coke (and, yes, I snuck the rum aboard, being the rebel that I am).
Happy Thanksgiving!