We arrived at London-Heathrow as peacefully as we had departed Detroit. Emerson slept for the balance of the flight (save for me waking her up briefly for a midnight diaper change) and had a couple of bananas for breakfast during our decent into Heathrow. After a fairly quick trip through customs and baggage claim, we were met by our limo driver, which Julie from the Allen House staff had arranged for us (at about the same cost as Heathrow Express tickets and with less hassle).

Kensington Gardens
As always, it’s good to be back in Kensington ensconced at the Allen House. Since our flight arrived later in the day (around noon), we didn’t get into central London until almost 2pm. To keep awake and ward off jet lag, we headed for Kensington Gardens to enjoy the fresh air and allow Emerson to run around like a heathen toddler. The day was delightful… mostly sunny, slightly cool, and with just a gentle wisp of a wind. After dinner, we picked up a quick take-away dinner, watched some British television (which I always find vastly superior to US programming), and turned in for bed by 9pm.