I’m pleased to announce the birth of our daughter (and future world traveler), Emerson Abigail.

Emerson was born on 02/07/10 at 00:52 (Eastern) in Tampa, FL. She weighed 7lbs 5oz (3330 grams) and was 20″ in length.
Both Libby and Emerson are doing very well.
Awwww. Nice photo of Libby and Emerson. I hope you don’t mind that I beat you to announcing the birth on the blogosphere. Emerson’s photo has also made it to a few people in the office.
I will call in a few days – don’t want to interrupt the much needed rest schedule.
Congrats you guys! We can’t wait to meet Emerson. Come back to MN soon!!!
Mary and John
Hi, I stumbled on your website and got a kick out of it… my name is Libby, my husband’s name is Paul and my maiden name is Emerson.
What kind of coinky dink is that!
Hmm… I wonder the odds of that? Fairly low, I would think.